Tuesday, 2 December 2014

What is a title sequence?

Title sequence:
A title sequence is a method used by films to present their title, key production and cast members.

A good title sequence includes a variety of special techniques which sets a expectation of what its going to be like as it dub tails simultaneously into the film.

Therefore allowing us to be intrigued into the film and gets us excited to watch the film.

The font is an important tool within the film as it shows the aspects of the film and how its integrated within the film, we learn this through watching Kyle Coopers interview about his film SEVEN.
The typography is seen to be important as it represents the contrast it has with the film and can be very simple yet very effective in the title sequence.
Another important tool is the music as it sets the tone of the film and allows us to focus on the theme and what the film is about.

The term 'story based' main title sequence means the specific back story from which the film comes from and is seen as a clear metaphor of what the film is about.

Studios may have problems when facing title sequences due to audience test screening as they may not have enough budget to do another shoot therefore putting them at a disadvantage.

The 2 1/2 minutes are important for the studio as it allows them to put in information that got left out, advances the initially thought of the film and allows it to become a extra scene or prologue for the film.

The title design is very important within filimg as this can help the movie and tell the back story which puts the audience ahead. It also overlaps and converges with designers becoming involved with creation of content.

A title sequence is the beginning of the film. a good title sequence should have the following:
  • Suspend disbelief-when the viewer is 'transported' and for the duration of the film forgets it is not real.
  • Shows of the main character and main character , which means the tile sequence could show of the location where the film will be set and the main character could be the only character you see in the title sequence.
  •  Sets the tone of the film/gives clues as to what is to come.
  • A piece of art in itself.
  • Signifies contemporary art or modern pop.
  • Connect seamlessly into the film, to give meaning to the audience in what may be in the film.
  • Iconic and original meaning you wont have seen a same title sequence.
A good example of a good title sequence is 'Forest gump' , one reason why this is a good title sequence is at the beginning of the sequence is establishes the location where the film will be set and it done that by the camera following a little white feather around through the town but by doing that wee see a lot of the location. Another reason is that right at the end the feather lands on a man meaning that he is the main character in the film , so straight away just from the tile sequence we know where the film is being located and who the main character is.

Here are the pictures from the title sequence showing the location and main character, we can obviously see that Tom hanks will be the main character in the film and the location is in America.

We are focusing on teen drama films, here are a few films as a group we know as being teen dramas:

  • High school musical
  • 17 again
  • 10 things I hate about you
  • She's the man
  • Easy A
  • LOL
  • The fault in our stars
  • Love Rosie
  • The parent trap
  • Mean girls
  • Charlie St cloud
  • Wild child
  • St trinians

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