Monday, 2 February 2015

Forms of distribution

We have been through all of our footage , which we have put together using Final Cut Pro and which will in the future be edited and titles will be added into it as-well.  Therefore we are going to start marketing our title sequence to persuade and allow people to have an idea of what our title sequence is going to be about and what it involves.

We are going to create a twitter account as it is one of the main social networking sites that young teenagers use , therefore allowing us to reach our target audience and promote our title sequence.

The reason for us using a twitter page is because it is free form of advertising and is the best way as when we was researching we found that social networking is the mainly used by teens which is what we are looking to attract.

We have also decided that we are going to create a facebook page as it is the most popular social networking sites which provides both our target audience and secondary target audience.

It is also a good idea for us to create this page as we can keep people updated about when we are going to be posting our rough draft on to this page and we can then see how many people will like and share our title sequence draft.

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