Monday, 9 February 2015

My feedback - 2

28 posts

you have some very strong work on your blog Beau but there is work missing that is preventing you from attaining a mark into level 3, which is more reflective of your potential.  Please reflect on the feedback below and complete the to do list at the bottom.

Some good detail in the posts
Visually nicely organised and presented

Less strong:
•             Frequency of posting to the blog – only 1 post between 10/01 and 03/02
•             Lots of planning posts are missing e.g. no storyboard, pitch, production schedule etc… without evidence of these things your mark cannot go into level 3 (C+ and B)
•             Taken isn’t a teen drama so you need to record / discuss some teen drama influences too

To do:
1.            Improve your frequency of posting to the blog
2.            Post up all your planning blogs that are missing
3.            Begin to use a greater range of ICT
4.            Improve your posting to the blog during the filming and editing stages
5.            Post up the research into other influence films and sequences as well as taken that are from the teen drama genre

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