Easy A:
This is a very complex title sequence which includes a lot through the use of camera, editing , mise-en-scene and sound.
Mise-en-scene: The mise-en-scene is the main part of the title which shows us the different locations/settings and the characters that are going to be involved in the film. The fact that at the start of the title sequence shows us blue skies which then moves down to a flag of USA , straight away tells us its in a hot place in America. Which is then moved on to a sign saying 'Ojai' ( the town of where the film is taking place). Further on into the title there is a shot of a school name, therefore giving us further information of the main location which is clearly a High School. The fact that there is bright lighting throughout the whole title sequence indicates that it may have taken place in the summer due to the images of the trees, oranges etc. We then get an establishing shot of the playground showing the different kinds of stereotypical groups of teenagers (e.g. popular girls, nerds etc). This gives the audience an idea of the main plot of the film through the use of the locations, settings. characters and the different things discovered through the images for example the shoes hanging on the tree.
Sound: The sound is also a very important technique as it sets the tone of the title sequence. Therefore through the use of having an up beat song playing at the beginning allows the audience to get a positive view point on the film and therefore intrigue them to want to watch more and creating a good atmosphere. The fact that the bell rings while the synchronous music is playing tells the audience that the start of the film is about to begin. There is then a non diegetic voice over of a girl speaking explaining the main plot of the story making the audience interested and listening to what she has to say.
Editing: There is a lot of editing that has taken place in this title sequence through the use of lots of different techniques. At the beginning there is a jump cut from the setting of the film to a sign showing us where the film is being taken place. Furthermore, the name of the film is also edited into the title through photoshop as it is noticed on a shot of shoes hanging from a tree to show the start of the film. Another editing technique is when there is a narrative voice over explaining the plot of the main character which is taken place while the title credits and setting are still being shown to the audience.
Camera; There are a variety of different camera shots in this sequence such as close ups, titling down movement, tracking and much more. At the beginning of the sequence the camera tilts down to the production company name so that it is the main focus of the screen to intrigue the target audience and making them well aware of the production company. Furthermore, there is an establishing shot of a orange garden which is then jump cutted to a close up of on orange this may be to emphasize the setting as it may be a main part of the film. There is also a lot of tracking from when the school bell rings of the different students rushing around to the classes which then focuses on to the main character by tracking lots of different students then stopping on her.
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