Tuesday, 6 January 2015


In media you can get many audiences.

Theoretical audiences

Theoretical audiences are audiences that are imagined for the purpose of helping the speaker compose or practice, or a critic to understand, a rhetorical text or speech.

Self as audience (self-deliberation

When a rhetor deeply considers, questions, and deliberates over the content of the ideas they are conveying, it can be said that these individuals are addressing the audience of self, or self-deliberating. The audience of self, while not serving as the ends to all rhetorical purpose or circumstance, nevertheless acts as a type of audience that not only operates as a function of self-help, but as instrument used to discover the available means of persuasion.

Universal audiences

The universal audience is an imagined audience that serves as an ethical and argumentative test for the rhetor. This also requires the speaker to imagine a composite audience that contains individuals from diverse backgrounds and to discern whether or not the content of the rhetorical text or speech would appeal to individuals within that audience. The concept of the universal audience has received criticism for being idealistic because it can be considered as an impediment in achieving persuasive effect with particular audiences. Yet, it still may be useful as an ethical guide for a speaker and a critical tool for a reader or audience.

Ideal audiences

An ideal audience is a rhetor's imagined, intended audience. In creating a rhetorical text, a rhetor imagines a target audience, a group of individuals that will be addressed, persuaded, or affected by the speech or rhetorical text. This type of audience is not necessarily imagined as the most receptive audience, but as the future particular audience that the rhetor will engage with. Imagining such an audience allows a rhetor to formulate appeals that will grant success in engaging with the future particular audience. In considering an ideal audience, a rhetor can imagine future conditions of mediation, size, demographics, and shared beliefs among the audience to be persuaded..

Implied audiences

An implied audience is an imaginary audience determined by an auditor or reader as the text's constructed audience. The implied audience is not the actual audience, but the one that can be inferred by reading or analyzing the text. A critic could also determine what the text wants that audience to become or do after the rhetorical situation.

With our title sequence it is aimed to a wide range audience as it is aimed to any sort of audience, hopefully our title sequence will attract a wide audience.

An example from a website where it tells you the type of audiences that watch certain films and also there hobbies and there lifestyles.

This is an example of an audience , as you can see you can get all different ranges of people to be part of an audience.


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