Thursday, 29 January 2015

Day 1 of filming

Day 1 of filming

Filming our title sequence 'watched' began on the 26th of January 2015.

We started filming at Summers house. We began filming our last scene where the main character Jess wakes up and is in her bedroom.
We also filmed the scene where she spots the stalker walking outside her house. She doesnt think much of it and carries on with her usual business. She gets ready for college and we film her leaving the house.

After that we filmed Jess coming back from college and she notices someone
following her so she rushes into her house and drops her keys because she is
overwhelmed by fear.

The final scene we filmed on Day 1 was the scene where Jess texts her freind Amy about being followed. Her friend Amy takes no notice of the text as she thinks it is not a big deal.

Camera shots used on Day 1

  • Match cuts
  • Close ups
  • Wide shot to establish the surroundings

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