Saturday, 10 January 2015

Sub genres of teen drama fims

There are two categories with in teen dramas and they are:

High school and Youth Drama.

High School Drama: Got very popular from the 70's right to the 90's however, it is very popular still now and I would say more popular now than it was before because of the new technology. For example: streaming, Netflix , sky, ect. people are able access films more now. There were many variations within the genre itself. They tend to focus on changes, makeover and conflicts within groups at school. The teens and young adults often socialize in institutions such as School, home and college. High school dramas often have a main character of a girl with a boy she likes.

Here are a few examples of popular high school dramas:

 As you can see there is a mixture of boys and girls but there always a girl that will be the main character.

Youth Drama: Often bad teenagers who like to cause trouble and are often in a gang. The main character often tends to a rebellious, naughty boy and has conflict with other people , they tend to think they are better than anyone else and think they have all power over others. The focus is mainly on the trouble the main character faces and the difficulties of the adolescent experience with the protagonist often being the male. Most youth dramas seem to be a more authentic representation than high school dramas. Also tend to be part of gangs who tend to bully others who doesn't stand up to there standards. When you also think of youth dramas you think of violence and there is a lot of violence in youth dramas.

Here are a few examples of popular youth dramas:

 As you can see youth dramas are different to high school because the main characters in this case are men/boys. The style is also much darker than high school because high school front covers are more bright.

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