Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Scene Order


Scene 1: Running through the forest.

Scene 2: Flashback to Summer in her room looking out the window and notices someone staring.

Scene 3: The forest, Summer is still running.

Scene 4: Flashback to summer walking out of college and sees the stalker.

Scene 5: Summer walks into costa coffee to meet Beau and sees the stalker across the road staring at her and tells Beau about the stalker.

Scene 6: Running through the forest.

Scene 7: Summer walks through the park and runs home. Runs up the stairs and looks out the window. Stalker is banging on the door.

Scene 8: Summer walks to school in the morning. Ends up running towards the canal and through the forest.

Scene 9: Summer gets caught and dragged. There is a scream.

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